Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Beautiful or well designed item

In my bedroom I have a small, about 8 inches tall vase that I bought from Arizona.  It is a white clay vase that is hand made and hand painted.  It shape resembles that of a oval at the bottom then goes up into a neck that flares out at the top.  The white of the clay is the background, though the white is not a man made white as we know it on paper and things, it is a soft white.  Painted on the vase, around the bottom, are horses.  They range in color from black, brown, light brown and even a dark gray color,  These horses mesh with each other, over lapping and weaving in and out of each other with out getting their hooves entangled.  Each horse has a different pose of the natural gate of a gallop as they run free.  It is not clear where the heard of horses starts, nor where it stops, as all of the hand painted horses interact with each other.  I think this vase if both beautiful and designed well.

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