Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Music Video Crit

I have decided to critique Richard Guy's Music Video 2.  I like the way he has a running theme with them.  This first music video was a story and still had some dancing in it, though it was about going on a date.  This second video continues to use different angles that keep the view interested.  The idea behind the story is good too - a guy not doing as well as he wanted in a competition so he is practicing and keeps having flash backs to it.  Though I would have liked to have seen more of the competition to really get the idea that it was not won by the person in the story.  I believe some flash of him looking on the winner.  I also think that the flash of the baby toys at the beginning of the video could have been brought in somewhere.  Yes, they put the sense into a house, and that is really nice to know, but I do believe that they could be seen again in the video somewhere.  

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