Find a website that you love with multimedia, animations or some sort of immersive vivid media experience. write a paragraph on why you love it and link to it on your blog.
After spending a long while searching the internet for a multimedia web site that really caught my eye I came across two websites. However after fully playing with both I have decided to pick Don't Click It. Don't click it is an experimental website that has no buttons or anything on it. Where the mouse hoovers is the guide to the next page(s). I love this! I have always hated clicking over and over again to get to different spaces in websites, especially if you are just quickly browsing. However it did take a moment to get use too, and when you do click the website even seems to get made at you! It is an extremely interactive website because all the pictures move as you move the mouse around and just hovering moves the entire page around. The main page, after you click for the last time, records your movements and you can go back and watch it later, it also creates lines that show how your moving and how quick or slowly. OVer all the website is a very good design and it is easy to navigate, even without clicking.
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