Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Response to Benjamin’s Concern

I strongly agree with Benjamin's concerns about the devaluation of art due to easiness of reproduction in the modern day and age.  Most are these days is easy to replicate, if not take from someone and call it your own.  This is seen with many of the modern day imagery that is involved with any of the presidential candidates.  The same design and idea, but the face is changed to suit which ever candidate.  This same imagery (in red/white/blue) has even been taken and is now used to depict other people, and now I have seen it as a dog as well, hoping to help the shelter project out.  This same image is no longer an effective way to show things since it is used over and over again, even if the face/subject somewhat changes. 
Even when it comes to the art the people have in their houses these days, the same images can be seen from house to house.  These devalues the images and makes them no longer interesting. 

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