Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Music Video Crit

I have decided to critique Richard Guy's Music Video 2.  I like the way he has a running theme with them.  This first music video was a story and still had some dancing in it, though it was about going on a date.  This second video continues to use different angles that keep the view interested.  The idea behind the story is good too - a guy not doing as well as he wanted in a competition so he is practicing and keeps having flash backs to it.  Though I would have liked to have seen more of the competition to really get the idea that it was not won by the person in the story.  I believe some flash of him looking on the winner.  I also think that the flash of the baby toys at the beginning of the video could have been brought in somewhere.  Yes, they put the sense into a house, and that is really nice to know, but I do believe that they could be seen again in the video somewhere.  

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Unknown Post

With free roam given for this post on my blog, it took some time to come up with something to write about... so in the end I decided to post about how annoying the people that do all the lawn care/landscaping/snow removal at my apartment complex are.  Back over the winter, they hit my car and I had to fight them to get the money for repairs.  I talked to someone on their office a bunch of time and they kept "loosing" my fax. After weeks they finally paid me when I threatened to take them to court.  Today, on this very nice day there are like 5 of them here on the property.  One used the lawn mower, the other all stood around.  One is now using the leaf blower to clean the side walks and the rest are standing around.  There are other leaf blowers that I can see in there truck... now why wouldn't they all pitch in? Ug.... just a little rant about something that annoys me because on a wonderfully nice day like this, I would love to be sitting outside doing drawings for one of my classes, but they have been blowing off the sidewalk infront of my building for the last like hour.... I'm done now.  Hope everyone is getting to enjoy the nice day!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Flash Site

Hidden Heroes

Hidden Heroes was a very interesting site.  It seems to be a fully flash site with no other elements. There is a lot of information in a very well laid out way. Each time you click on something new, the bar rotates and the images roll over to show something new. Then there are multiple pages to each section.  Some are even interactive.  Example you can draw with the panicle.  This site is very fun to play around with and I'm sure you could for hours before you coulds see everything that is going on.  Even though the site is fully flash, it is easy to navigate and understand.  The only down side, loading it takes a while.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Beautiful or well designed item

In my bedroom I have a small, about 8 inches tall vase that I bought from Arizona.  It is a white clay vase that is hand made and hand painted.  It shape resembles that of a oval at the bottom then goes up into a neck that flares out at the top.  The white of the clay is the background, though the white is not a man made white as we know it on paper and things, it is a soft white.  Painted on the vase, around the bottom, are horses.  They range in color from black, brown, light brown and even a dark gray color,  These horses mesh with each other, over lapping and weaving in and out of each other with out getting their hooves entangled.  Each horse has a different pose of the natural gate of a gallop as they run free.  It is not clear where the heard of horses starts, nor where it stops, as all of the hand painted horses interact with each other.  I think this vase if both beautiful and designed well.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Music Video

Click HERE to view music video

Better then Free by Kevin Kelley

Better then Free by Kevin Kelley is a very interesting article.  It talks about the digital age of every kind of entertainment and pretty much everything.  He goes on to talk about how with the internet everything is a copy of a copy of a copy.  This means that even this article I am typing and you are now reading is not the orignal, but yet a copy.  Every key stroke is recorded somewhere and then pulled from when someone wants to view it.  He also talks about the ability to copy others work and that not every copy is real and authentic.  Some copies can be customized to the consumers needs, but they are not always real copies.  Farther in the article it is talked about that consumers and fan of different entertainment enjoy paying the creator of the product.  But only if it is easy and they know that the money will be going to the creator of the product.  Yet the most important point brought up is at the end of  the article; findability.  This is the biggest point of the article - so I think.  This is because without having your masterpiece found (even if its free or costs money), you have nothing.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Response to Benjamin’s Concern

I strongly agree with Benjamin's concerns about the devaluation of art due to easiness of reproduction in the modern day and age.  Most are these days is easy to replicate, if not take from someone and call it your own.  This is seen with many of the modern day imagery that is involved with any of the presidential candidates.  The same design and idea, but the face is changed to suit which ever candidate.  This same imagery (in red/white/blue) has even been taken and is now used to depict other people, and now I have seen it as a dog as well, hoping to help the shelter project out.  This same image is no longer an effective way to show things since it is used over and over again, even if the face/subject somewhat changes. 
Even when it comes to the art the people have in their houses these days, the same images can be seen from house to house.  These devalues the images and makes them no longer interesting.